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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Two-lips Are Better Than None!


    This morning I’ll share two-lips with you. :kiss:

    There are two ways that I view things around me, one is “oh how beautiful” and the other is picking it apart to see it for its components, what makes it what it is. These tulip shots represent each way that I see things. First, the composition, the beauty, singling out one tulip and looking at it as a whole. Appreciating how when everything is brought together it is just really daggone pretty.

    Then we have the way that I see things when I get closer to them. I notice the gradiating colors, and the contrast against the background. Even when it’s dying out there are beautiful things to see in a gracefully drooping plant. The shape made me thing of a wine glass, cropping it the way I did is abstract, which is unusual for me, but I liked how my eyes moved around this area.

    {1 Comment}

    mom said,

    Well, FINALLY! You’re starting to see things MY way!! :mrgreen::twisted::lol:

    4.25.2005 @ 9:01 am

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