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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • What do you wanna know?


    Maybe you’ve been wanting to pick my brain about something lately, ask me what you might think is a silly question? Not that I’m Dear Abby or anything, but I do have some stuff hidden away in this cranium of mine that might make it fun for you to pick through.

    If you’ve been wondering about anything art related (I get emails asking me how to paint grass. I do.), anything blog related (yes, you should upgrade to the most recent version of WordPress. I will even share the link to the “how to upgrade” page if you can’t find it and need to know that) – anything design related, anything photography related – anything at all. Ask in comments, and I’ll update this entry with my reply.

    I’m happy to share whatever technical knowledge I’ve learned, as well as the resources I learned them through.


    Mary said,

    OK, I was wondering how you learned web page design. Did you take classes? I’m kind of interested, I have a limited knowledge and love photoshopping.

    7.1.2007 @ 2:15 pm
    Debbie said,

    I want to know how you link your current photo from your photo page to this one! I would like to be able to promote my photos like you do on my journal blog! Can you drop me a hint?

    7.1.2007 @ 6:43 pm
    Leanne said,

    Mary – your question required its own post! I hope that helps you. 🙂

    Debbie – I use YAPB which generates thumbnails for my photography. I basically hand code the sidebar update with my new photo thumbnails after I update my photoblog. I would use the feed, but I have my feed thumbs set large for VFXY, so they wouldn’t fit in my sidebar.


    7.2.2007 @ 9:50 am

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