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  • Woah…


    Those who know me well know that I don’t watch the news on TV, nor do I read it online. I bloghop, and get tidbits here and there from the blogs whose authors I’ve come to trust.

    I feel it’s important to take some time today and think about the gravity of the bombings in London. I think we all know the kind of people who are responsible for this type of assault, and it really pisses me off. (Sorry for the vulgarity.) I’m totally irked that (1) these people are still alive to even pose this kind of threat and (2) we’re obviously not doing enough to completely eradicate the problem.

    I can’t even find the words to express how I feel for the people who lost their lives in these bombings. These are people who did not volunteer for this fight, who weren’t in uniform and were unable to defend themselves against those attacks. What kind of cowards target people like this? I am so sorry for those lives lost, and SO angry at the people responsible.

    I added a new blog to my blogroll, SC&A. I’ve just started reading, and this entry over there today is so profound I think I will go back and read it several times. I think it says it all.

    On a side note, I’d just like to say that I rarely delve into politics here in my blog and I really don’t want to go there now. This is not about who is on who’s side in politics, this is about us, the people of this country and the people around the world, who are walking targets for this kind of tragedy. I wish that somehow we would all get angry enough, and want our freedom enough, to make a difference.



    Thank you for your kind words. Sadly, there is much more that needs to be said, by a lot more people.

    We will do our part. Enough is enough.

    7.7.2005 @ 11:09 am
    Dave said,

    Thanks from the UK for your kind words and thoughts. Our Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone summed up my thoughts better than I ever could and I posted them on my blog if you are interested.

    7.7.2005 @ 3:30 pm
    annie said,

    I never talk about politics on my blog, either. It WAS a wise decision, but today I am so pissed off!
    (Oh, wow, what a good name for a blog…hmmm)

    I like your post, and not just because I totally agree; you said it very well!

    7.7.2005 @ 8:08 pm
    Paigelet said,

    My heart, thoughts, and prayers to those in London. Undoubtedly, people around the world are feeling shock and sadness as well.

    The “problem” needs to be eradicated and I hope this awful tragedy becomes the catalyst to do just that!

    7.7.2005 @ 9:24 pm

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