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  • Woodpecker Girl


    Here’s a shot of a lovely woodpecker who visited our yard yesterday. She’s a Downy Woodpecker, female, and seems to be trying to find a place to make a home.

    I thought this next pic was pretty interesting, too. I was out on my little morning stroll (this was a few days ago) and noticed smoke coming from my neighbors yard somewhere. I started looking around and realized the sun was hitting the moisture on the tree, and it was relatively warm out that morning, and the tree was all steamy! I’ve never seen that happen before!

    I’m off to the torture chamber this morning, I’ll be squealing to the sound of a high pitched drill once again. Argh. Someone please tell me it really is good to get your teeth repaired and not just yank them all out for dentures!!! ???


    kris said,

    I thought your wood pecker was taller….like six feet or so. 😈

    5.26.2005 @ 9:30 am
    erikie parikie said,

    I thought it was 10 feet:evil:

    5.26.2005 @ 12:10 pm
    Leanne said,

    Hm. I’ll have to get out the measurin’ stick, girls. I’m just not sure, it could be shrinking with age.


    5.27.2005 @ 7:20 am

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