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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Woops – A Daisy!


    This pic (full size) turned out so very cool that Mark wants me to paint it. I think I will! (When I’m done with everything else, that is!)

    The weather here is crappy. And I mean crappy. We went from a week of YAHOO sunshine and nice warm temps to blech. Rain. Cold. I wanna go back to Florida!! Whiiinnnnneeeeeee can I please can I can I can I?? Someone buy us a house and send me the keys ok? Thanks!

    Mark and I will be having our heads examined today. Why? Because we live in Illinois and it’s an annual requirement if you live here. Or at least it should be. Seriously, we’re having vision checks. My left eye is getting weaker (can’t have that), and his vision is messed up now probably from 18 months worth of night vision goggles among other things that tortured his eyesight while he was gone. I’m a sqwisher. My vision gets blurry, I squish my eyes like they’re going to get better if I just do that 100+ times a day. Then, after a year or so, I figure that’s not working so I better get new prescription lenses! I’m as bright as the light bulb that just blew out here in my office. Heh!

    I am also itching to have a new skin for the blogaroonie. Whatchya think? I’ll leave this one, and the lovey one, just add a new one. I need suggestions though. I want some “oompf”. Gimme some of your “oompfy” ideas okie doke?

    {1 Comment}

    sheila said,

    I say the new skin should have the colors of the sea, blues, greens, maybe a tiny bit of red orange or yellow orange for a compliment. Well, you asked didn’t you?

    Beautiful picture!

    4.22.2005 @ 8:28 am

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