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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Work in Progress #1 : Angel


    Angel is so girlie, and so PINK! Yes the digital knocks your eyeballs out, it’s really much more vivid in person.
    Woohoo! (Karen, you do like pink, right?)


    Patti said,

    Dixie and Angel are so sweet. Angel’s green eyes are beautiful-of my four white cats none have green eyes. Can’t wait to see the finished paintings. Ms P (I’m feeling independent today :wink:)

    3.10.2005 @ 5:38 am
    Leanne said,

    I’ll be painting a blue eyed white kitty in May, she’s a beaut, too. Angel’s eyes have a smidge of green in the center, I’ll lighten them up when I work on her more.

    MS. P (and/or Karen) I have a kitty question – a friend of mine (known here as Carrie-bo-berry) wanted to rescue a kitty lastnight and in talking to her hubby they wonder if it is torture to declaw the hind legs? What kind of damage do they do (furniture, etc.) if they are only declawed on the front paws? Karen, I painted a leather couch that doesn’t have any holes in it…

    3.10.2005 @ 7:13 am
    Patti said,

    Declawing is a real debate…our shelter’s vet will not declaw all four. She says keeping the back claws trimmed is sufficient. It is a painful procedure for the kitten but they have pain shots that help out. Also, it is suggested that declawing be held off until the cat is ready to be spayed/neutered because then they will not be put under anesthesia twice. Patti

    3.10.2005 @ 11:25 am
    Karen said,

    AH, the declawing issue. A complicated one for certain. None of my 11 cats are declawed. I have a ton of various scratching posts that help out alot. Hoorray and hugs to Carrie for wanting to rescue the kitty. If you must, I suggest declawing only the front. Always happy to help, Karen

    3.10.2005 @ 3:53 pm
    Karen said,

    By the way, LOVE, Love, Love the pink. I noticed it right away.

    3.10.2005 @ 3:55 pm
    Leanne said,

    Thank you both for your input on that issue!

    MS. P you should really consider linking your site in your replies, you know… who knows how that could help you guys! 🙂

    3.10.2005 @ 4:08 pm
    Patti said,

    Thanks Leanne, I never thought to do that!

    3.10.2005 @ 9:02 pm

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