Last week’s winner, Tara submitted an adorable photo of her Jack Russel terrier named Ratchet. And, just in case you’re wondering why he’s wearing a cone and a sock:
Ratchet is trying to keep his wounded foot away from me because he knows I am going to change his bandage… It seems that his nails are so heavy duty and his feet so small that he is constantly splitting his claws, so he spends a good deal of time with a bandage on his foot and the dreaded e-collar around his neck.
Ratchet was meant to be, and filled an empty spot in Tara’s family after a devastating loss of their puppy, Snoopy. Read the rest of her story here.
I don’t know about you – but I’ve experienced the cone before, it is awkwardly entertaining! Love the sock, too – and I hope you’re both having an easier time with his nails!
A note on framing for portrait winners: I recommend the Nielsen Bainbridge Archival Gallery Frame, available through Dick Blick.
Weekly Contest Announcement!
Entries will be accepted through Friday afternoon around 4PM CST, at which time I will close comments and select one winner from the entries received. I’ll announce the winner on Saturday and post the completed portrait with the following week’s Giveaway announcement.
Qualified entries will include a valid e-mail address, and the comment should include one link to a photograph owned/taken by the entrant. If you do not have a place to upload photos to link one, you can e-mail it to gallery *at* intricateart dot-com. Your entry, however, should be included in the comment section below, with your story – should you choose to include one.
The Selection Process: In case you’re curious, I’ll share my little artsy process in selecting the winner. First – I do not read any entries at all during the week. I do not read them because I don’t want anyone’s entries to have any more time than any others to settle in my creative brain. At the end of the week, I close comments. When I sit down to go through all of the entries, I read the story first, and open the photo link in a new window. When I finish reading, I flip over to the photo and my initial reaction is what I go by.
If your entry is not chosen, you may enter again. I encourage you to include a short story with your entry.
- : Pets or Animals (1 subject only)
- : Friday, March 13, 2009 (4pm CST)
To Enter
- : Leave a comment, include a link to your photo. For e-mail submissions, leave a comment with your story as your entry, attach your photo to an e-mail separately, and send to gallery *at* intricateart dot-com.
Note: *G* Rating only
Your challenge? To inspire me! Choose your photo wisely – I will select a winner based on how the photo and/or story moves me.
Good luck!!

Put this button on your blog to remind yourself to enter each week!
Link it to:
Don’t want to wait? Commission your own 5×7 graphite custom portrait
for just $70.00 right here in my shop!
(Checkout using PayPal)
TOO CUTE! I just want to hug that baby!! :hug:
Great Blog and awesome giveaways! You are so talented Leanne!
I was introduced to your work by Tara, who just won your contest. WOW…you are super talented! Very nice {amazing} detail work with your portraits. I’ll have to send you over a photo of my sweet little Kiko who left us last June. :beret:
Love the JRT, and what a wonderful name he’s got – Ratchet. I love it
[…] and smell the Roses. 3.11.09Half the week has already slipped away – don’t forget to enter your photo for a chance to win a free custom portrait! (No comments […]
Ratchet turned out so wonderful! I wasn’t sure how he would be with his collar on but that is a wonderful picture! I am so much enjoying seeing all of these little wondrous works of art every week. Its something I look forward to every week. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I am going to enter for this week’s contest our mare, Maggie. There is no sad touching story to go with her but this head shot of her means a lot to me because that day, the wind was blowing and her main is windswept and I always remember how good it feels to go see my horses for a day of fun. Its out in the country, the air is fresh and you kinda forget everything else, so when I see that picture of her with the wind blowing her mane back its just simple “FREEDOM” to me. Free from everything for just a little while. My most favorite thing is to see the horses run, there isn’t anything like it. It brings me a sense of peace. Everyone with horses knows what I am talking about. I would have rather had this shot w/o her bridle but its still a nice picture of her. So here’s our Maggie.
I do love your works. Very inspirational as well, making me want to start drawing again. You certainly have a talent and I always enjoy stopping by to see what’s new (I need to leave comments more though!) 🙂
I would like to enter this contest, too. I’m a huge fan of cats. I love them… in fact, they’re one of my favourite animals. I had two cats, Miles and Tiesto and sadly, I had to leave them in Australia to come to the UK for two years. Unfortunately, I got news last week that Tiesto had died after being hit by a car. He more or less got unlucky by chasing another cat across the road (our road was fairly quiet).
Tiesto was a very strange cat, but was beautiful and amazingly friendly. I got him for my 22nd birthday (I’m now almost 25). He wasn’t really scared of anyone. If someone was walking down the street and was sitting outside with me, he would allow strangers to stroke him as they walked by. He was very cuddly and kissy. If you picked him up, he’d rub up against the face and nibble an earlobe! Or he’d get up and perch on one of my shoulders and put his chin on the top of my head to rest.
His favourite food was cucumber. Get a cucumber out and he’d sit and stare until he was given a piece. He also liked watermelon, tomato and spaghetti bolognese. I’ve never had a cat that would eat practically anything. 🙂
Anyway, he was a lovely cat. My mum had gotten close to him after I had left, so was obviously quite upset when it happened. He won’t be there when I go home but fortunately, he’ll always be an amazing memory for myself (and no doubt, for my family, especially since they have been his family for the last 7 months).
Tiesto – http://nyssi.deviantart.com/art/Call-of-the-Wild-90523708
I love your work and appreciate the chance to enter this lovely contest! Beautiful little JRT!
I adopted this beautful lady from a breeder after having several litters of puppies to retire her from show and breeding life. I adopted her beautiful sister a year before, only to lose her from cancer. So Mallery was a joy to get seeing how she was the sister of the dog I had grown to love so much and lost. She is the light of our lives now, and judging from her picture she is still a “Show Girl” at heart!
(photo emailed)
Karen :thanku:
Thanks for your entries this week! I’ll be showing the winning portrait on Monday (earlier on Facebook so if you’re a fan, you’ll get an earlier peek!)
[…] Last week’s winner, Sue submitted a stunning photo of Maggie, with a vision that made me feel like I was standing in a field on a warm summer afternoon: …this head shot of her means a lot to me because that day, the wind was blowing and her main is windswept and I always remember how good it feels to go see my horses for a day of fun. Its out in the country, the air is fresh and you kinda forget everything else, so when I see that picture of her with the wind blowing her mane back its just simple “FREEDOM” to me. Free from everything for just a little while. […]
[…] her story here. Next Project […]
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