Please tell me how nutritious this is for me. How because there’s orange and cranberry in it that it negates all 13 grams of fat. Tell me that the first ingredient, sugar, is dissolved and eradicated when immediately followed by a drink.
Tell me that Weight Watchers would only score this at a measly 2 points, and that it’s okay if I polish this whole thing off with a pot of fresh black coffee because I did my lower body workout on the bowflex this morning.
Tell me I deserve a little indulgence because I just had my annual boob sqwashing appointment. That I’m excused due to cramping and/or PMS. Or that it’s “free” because I plan to paint it, and still-life food is always “free”.
Tell me anything… just don’t tell me that this is going straight to my hips, because I will have to virtually slap you silly.